Nexora Solutions S.L. Приложения

Honua 2.1.0
Nexora Solutions S.L.
HONUA allows you to create your fashionuniverse to share your style, to create fashion trends and toorganise all your garments in a digital closet by tagging them in afast and funny way.Looking outfits in other HONUAS and sneaking into their closets,you will find new ideas and clothing as you can access to thewebpage of several items directly and buy them!Complete your HONUA while our stylists and personal shoppers arehelping you. HONUAS will be amazed at your style!Download the app and check all the advantages in this video.
Be Your Guide - Granada 1.23
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Here you will find updated information onmuseums and monuments, lodging, restaurants, shopping,entertainment and information SIERRA NEVADA. Discover the mostcomplete information, pictures, contact ... over 100 points ofinterest!-Download The audio guide GRANADA TO YOUR AIR to discover thecity at your own pace while listen to the explanation of the mainpoints of interest with the integrated guiding you MAPA.- Ability to download it OFFLINE MODE: No internet connectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you can orientwithin the city. GETTING using the option, you can always find theplace you're looking for, monuments, restaurants and magicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE and share your experiences onmajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Granda is available in 6 languages, Spanish,English, French, German, Italian and Japanese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with GRANADA BEYOUR GUIDE!- We are happy to receive your
Peluquería y Moda 1.0.6
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Peluquería y Moda, aplicación con las mejorespeluquerías, estética y tiendas de moda de tu ciudad.¡En ella descubrirás la información actualizada sobrepeluquerías, estética, moda de actualidad y moda deportiva!. Podrásobtener información muy completa: fotos, contacto, ubicación,descripción en detalle...Utilizando la opción CÓMO LLEGAR, ¡podrás encontrar siempre ellugar que buscas, tiendas, peluquerías y todos los establecimientosde moda!Comparte tu experiencia! PUNTUA Y COMPARTE tus experiencias en lasprincipales redes sociales!Compatible y adaptado para todos los dispositivos AndroidMás información contacta con uso continuo del funcionamiento del GPS en el fondo puededisminuir dramáticamente la vida de la bateríaHairdressing and Fashion,application with the best hairdressers, cosmetic and fashion shopsin your city.Here you will find updated information about hairdressers,aesthetics, fashion and sports fashion now !. You can getcomprehensive information: photos, contact, location, descriptionin detail ...GETTING using the option, you can always find the place you arelooking for, shops, hairdressers and fashion stores all! Share your experiences! RATE and share your experiences on majorsocial networks!Compatible and adapted for all Android devicesMore information contact us: peluqueriamodaapp @ @gmail.comContinued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life
Kids City Map - Madrid 2.2
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Kids City Map es una aplicación móvildiseñada especialmente para ayudar a los padres en la búsqueda deproductos, servicios y eventos para sus hijos.- Kids City Maps es una aplicación interactiva con imágenes,información y mapas que te permitirá conocer lo que te ofrece tuciudad en lo relacionado con el ocio, cultura, compras y otrosmuchos servicios para los más pequeños.- Kids City Map es una aplicación geolocalizada:Muévete por tu ciudad con el "Mapa" y encuentra lo quebuscas.Selecciona "Cerca de mi" y verás que lugares tienes alrededor dellugar donde te encuentras.- Elige la actividad y selecciona del listado lo que más teinteresa.- Compatible y adaptado para todos los dispositivos AndroidMás información contacta con nosotros: ovisita nuestra página web Kids City Map is amobile application specially designed to assist parents in findingproducts, services and events for their children.- Kids City Maps is an interactive application with pictures,information and maps that lets you know what your city offers inrelation to leisure, culture, shopping and many other services forchildren.- Kids City Map is a geolocated application:Move around your city with the "Map" to find what you want.Select "About me" and you'll see places around where you are.- Select the activity and choose from the list what mostinterests you.- Compatible and suitable for all Android devicesMore information Contact us: or visit ourwebsite
Be Your Guide - San Sebastián 1.17.2
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the full GUIDE SAN SEBASTIÁN for FREE.In it you will find updated information about MONUMENTS, HOTELS,RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING and NIGHTLIFE. Discover MORE COMPLETE,photos, contact ... more than 100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- Possibility to download in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnection required for use.- You can use the 100% OFFLINE MAP: Using GPS can guide you inthe city. Using the DIRECTIONS option, you can always find theplace for you, monuments, restaurants and magical places!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experiences in themajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Toledo is available in 6 LANGUAGES, Spanish,English, Russian, French, German and Basque.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOUR GUIDETOLEDO!- We look forward to your suggestions on
BYG Toledo "El Greco 2K14" 1.0.3
- Enjoy the best app about El Greco 2014.Toledo and Madrid. Not only the best info about El Greco, but alsothe whole info about Toledo.-The full GUIDE TOLEDO for FREE. In it you will find updatedinformation about MONUMENTS, HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING andNIGHTLIFE. Discover MORE COMPLETE, photos, contact ... more than100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- In order not to miss any detail of this magical city, you candownload various AUDIO GUIDES with day and night routes in Spanishand English and developed by tourism GUIDES!Audio-guide Download the TOLEDO TO YOUR AIR to discover the cityat your own pace while listening to the explanation of the mainpoints of interest guiding you with integrated MAP.- Possibility to download in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnection required for use.- You can use the 100% OFFLINE MAP: Using GPS can guide you inthe city. Using the DIRECTIONS option, you can always find theplace for you, monuments, restaurants and magical places!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experiences in themajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Toledo is available in 6 LANGUAGES, Spanish,English, Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOUR GUIDETOLEDO!- We look forward to your suggestions on info@beyourguidetoledo.comToledo, Greco, Greco 2014, Reiseführer, Tourismus, Hotels,Karten, Audioguides, Audio, Museen, Rutes
Be Your Guide - Cáceres 1.20
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the full GUIDE CÁCERES for FREE. Hereyou will find updates on MONUMENTS, ROUTES AND NATURE, HOTELS,RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING AND NIGHTLIFE information. Discover the MOSTCOMPLETE INFORMATION, photos, contact ... over 100 POINTS OFINTEREST!- Ability to download it in OFFLINE MODE: No internet connectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you can orientwithin the city. Using GETTING option, you can always find theplace you are looking for, monuments, restaurants and magicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experience onmajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Cáceres is available in 6 LANGUAGES, Spanish,Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOUR GUIDECÁCERES!- We will welcome your suggestions in caceres@beyourguide.esContinued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life
Nueva Guía SOGUG 2.0
Nexora Solutions S.L.
La Aplicación Guía SOGUG tiene comoobjetivofacilitar a profesionales de la salud con capacidad paraprescribiry/o dispensar medicamentos, residentes en España; unaherramientapara el manejo de los fármacos antidiana en el CáncerRenal.La Aplicación Guía SOGUG proporciona una herramienta útil ydemanejo sencillo al oncólogo médico y MIR de Oncología médica,quenos oriente sobre las estrategia de prevención y tratamiento delosefectos adversos de estos fármacos, así como sobre lamejorelección de los tratamientos concomitantes.La Aplicación recogerá y guardará los datos personalessólocuando sea necesario. Si se recogiese alguna información - talycomo es habitual al usar aplicaciones o visitar páginasweb-recolectada automáticamente por razones de seguridad; enrelacióncon dicha información, no se podrá excluir una referenciaindirectaa sus datos personales. Esto puede comprender informaciónsobre elnavegador que usted ha utilizado, las páginas webvisitadasanteriormente y la duración de dichas visitas (archivosderegistro).La Aplicación podrá contener enlaces o referencias aotrasaplicaciones o páginas Web a los cuales no es aplicable lapresentePolítica de Privacidad. Le recomendamos leer la PolíticadePrivacidad de cada sitio Web que visita.SOGUG ApplicationGuideaims to provide health professionals with ability to prescribeand/ or dispense medicines, resident in Spain; a tool forhandlingdrugs antidiana Renal Cancer.The Application Guide SOGUG provides a useful and easy tousetool to MIR physician and medical oncologist Oncology, to guideuson the strategy for prevention and treatment of adverse effectsofthese drugs, as well as the best choice ofconcomitanttreatments.The application will collect and store the personal dataonlywhen necessary. If any information is pick - as usual whenusingapplications or visit web-pages automatically collectedforsecurity reasons; in respect of such information, it maynotexclude an indirect reference to your personal data. Thismayinclude information about the browser you used, websitesvisitedpreviously and duration of such visits (log files).The Application may contain links or references tootherapplications or Web pages which is not applicable to thisPrivacyPolicy. Please read the Privacy Policy of every Web siteyouvisit.
Be Your Guide - Ribeira Sacra 1.17b
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Enjoy the Ribeira Sacra complete GUIDEFREE.Here you will find updates on MONUMENTS, HOTELS,RESTAURANTS,SERVICES, CATAMARAN, NATURAL SPACES AND TRAILSinformation.Discover the most complete information, photos, contact... morethan 100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- Ability to download it in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the 100% OFFLINE MAP: Using GPS can guide you inthecity. DIRECTIONS Using the option, you'll always find the placeyouare looking for, monuments, restaurants and magicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experiences onthemajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Ribeira Sacra is available in 6languages​​,Spanish, English, Galician, French, German andPortuguese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad Mini and iPad!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with Ribeira SacraBEYOUR GUIDE!- We are happy to receive your suggestions adminsitracion@beyourguide.esContinued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the complete Barcelona for FREE.Hereyou will find updated information on monuments and museums,hotels,restaurants, SERVICES, SHOPPING AND NIGHTLIFE information.Discover the most complete information, pictures, contact...over 150 POINTS OF INTEREST!- Ability to download it OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithin the city. GETTING using the option, you can alwaysfind theplace you're looking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE and share your experiencesonmajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Barcelona is available in 6 languages,Spanish,English, Russian, French, Japanese and Chinese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOURGUIDEBARCELONA!- We are happy to receive your suggestions barcelona@beyourguide.esContinued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life
Be Your Guide - Bizkaia-Bilbao 1.22.4
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Enjoy the full GUIDE BIZKAIA for FREE.
GastrOleum 1.0.29
Nexora Solutions S.L.
¿Qué es GastrOleum?Saber utilizar el aceite de oliva virgen extra (aove) en lacocina resulta vital para conseguir un resultado óptimo, puesdependiendo de sus características y del uso que le demos, puedeensalzar un plato o arruinarlo por completo.Para no fallar, GastrOleum clasifica culinariamente los aceites ypone a tu disposición una amplia selección de recetas y técnicas decocina que, facilitadas por prestigiosos chefs del panoramanacional e internacional, te ayudarán a sacar el máximo partido decada uno.De descarga gratuita en Google Play, esta novedosa App en español einglés podrá visualizarse en cualquier tablet o smartphone.¿Qué te ofrece?Información: recopilación de los detalles más relevantes de losaceites de oliva vírgenes extra, que desvelará sus respectivascualidades organolépticas, convirtiéndolos así en los mejorescompañeros de un plato.Recomendaciones: clasificados en función de su intensidad ennariz y boca, GastrOleum te recomendará el aceite más apropiadopara cada elaboración.Localización: todas las referencias aparecerán geolocalizadas enun mapa interactivo, permitiéndote saber en cualquier momento dóndese produce cada una y, lo que es aún mejor, a qué distancia seencuentra de tu localización.Rastreo: con el simple gesto de escanear el código de barras deuna botella podrás ampliar su información.“A la carta”: tú eliges las materias primas y la técnica decocina que quieres emplear y GastrOleum te recomendará el aove quemejor maride con la receta deseada.Escenarios oleícolas: descubre restaurantes que miman esteingrediente donde podrás degustarlo en suculentas propuestasculinarias; pero también oleotecas, tiendas gourmet, museos y unsinfín de escenarios donde este producto está presente.Cultura: ¿Conoces cómo se obtiene el aceite de oliva virgenextra? ¿Sabes cómo se cata un aceite o qué es la acidez? Pararesolver todas estas dudas, GastrOleum pone a tu disposición unárea con amplios contenidos que te ayudarán a incrementar tucultura oleícola.Defensores del virgen extra: en España existen diversasinstituciones y denominaciones de origen protegidas de aceite quecertifican la calidad de los zumos de aceituna y divulgan lasbondades derivadas de su consumo. ¡Conocerlas no está de más! Suapoyo resulta vital para la transmisión de la cultura del aceite enel mundo.Difusión: GastrOleum se hace eco de eventos, promociones,talleres, cursos, etc. de temática variada sobre el aove para queestés al día de las últimas tendencias y/o acontecimientos.¿A quién va dirigida?Nuevas promesas de la cocina, chefs e integrantes del canalhoreca.Consumidor final de productos gourmets.Productores, fabricantes, envasadores y distribuidores de aceites,así como de productos alimentarios en general.Instituciones públicas y centros docentes.Foodies y amantes de la Dieta Mediterránea.EquipoCon más de 20 años trabajando en las entrañas del sectoroleícola, GastrOleum cuenta con la profesionalidad de:Firo Vázquez, catador y formador de catadores, productoroleícola, propietario y chef de El Olivar (Moratalla,Murcia).Vanesa López, periodista, community manager, editora de cabecerastan prestigiosas como OLIVARAMA y colaboradora de revistasgastronómicas.Arco Agroalimentaria, consultora especializada en el sectoroleícola y con amplia experiencia en la formación de paneles decata oficiales.Cofradía Amigos del Aceite de Oliva Virgen, que lleva más de 10años difundiendo la cultura del zumo de aceitunas y aglutina a másde 400 socios.What is GastrOleum?Knowing how to use the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in thekitchen is vital for optimal results, because depending on theircharacteristics and the use we make of it, you can extol a plate orcompletely ruin.Not to fail, GastrOleum culinary classifies oils and offers you awide selection of recipes and cooking techniques that provided byprestigious chefs national and international scene, will help youget the most out of each.Free download in Google Play, this new App in Spanish and Englishcan be displayed on any tablet or smartphone.What offers?Information: collection of the most important details of extravirgin olive oils, which will reveal their organoleptic qualities,to become the best companions of a dish.Recommendations: classified according to their intensity in noseand mouth, GastrOleum will recommend the most appropriate oil foreach preparation.Location: all references appear geolocated on an interactivemap, allowing you to know at any time where it occurs each and,what is even better, how far is your location.Tracking: the simple gesture to scan the barcode of a bottle youcan expand your information."A la carte": you choose raw and cooking technique you want touse and will recommend GastrOleum AOVE Maride best recipe with thedesired materials.olive scenarios: discover restaurants where you can spoil thisingredient in succulent culinary tasting; but also oleotecas,gourmet shops, museums and a host of scenarios where this productis present.Culture: Do you know how extra virgin olive oil is obtained? Youknow how an oil tasting or what is heartburn? To solve all thesedoubts, GastrOleum offers you an area with extensive content thatwill help you increase your olive culture.Advocates of extra virgin: in Spain there are severalinstitutions and protected designations of origin oil that certifythe quality of olive juice and disseminate the benefits derivedfrom their use. Knowing them is no more! Your support is vital forthe transmission of oil culture in the world.Dissemination: GastrOleum echo of events, promotions, workshops,courses is made, etc. on various subjects on AOVE to keep youabreast of the latest trends and / or events.To whom?Promises new kitchen, chefs and members of the Horecachannel.gourmets end consumer products.Producers, manufacturers, packers and distributors of oils and foodproducts in general.public institutions and schools.Foodies and lovers of the Mediterranean Diet.EquipmentWith more than 20 years working in the bowels of the olivesector, has GastrOleum professionalism:Firo Vazquez and former taster tasters, olive producer, ownerand chef of El Olivar (Moratalla, Murcia).Vanesa Lopez, journalist, community manager, editor header asprestigious as Olivarama and contributor to food magazines.Arco Agroalimentaria, specializing in the olive sector withextensive experience in forming official tasting panelsconsultant.Friends Brotherhood Virgin Olive Oil, which has more than 10 yearsspreading the culture of olive juice and comprises more than 400members.
HBP 3.0 1.0.4
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Referral criteria in HBP for Primary Care 3.0
BYG - Cádiz - Costa de la Luz 1.22.1
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the most complete Cádiz - Costa delaLuz for FREE. Here you will find updated information BEACHESANDTOURIST SITES, hotels, restaurants, services, purchasesandNIGHTLIFE information. Discover the most completeinformation,pictures, contact ... over 100 points of interest!- Discover the new areas of Conil, Vejer, Barbate,Zahara,Tarifa, Zahora, Caños de Meca and El Palmar- Ability to download it OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithin the city. GETTING using the option, you can alwaysfind theplace you're looking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE and share your experiencesonmajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Cádiz - Costa de la Luz is available in6languages, Spanish, English, Russian, French, GermanandSwedish.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOURGUIDECADIZ - COAST OF LIGHT!- We are happy to receive
Be Your Guide - Córdoba 1.20
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the full GUIDE OF CORDOBA forFREE.Here you will find updates on MUSEUMS AND MONUMENTS,ACCOMMODATION,NIGHTLIFE, GUIDELINES AND LEISURE, RESTAURANTS,SHOPPINGinformation. Discover the MOST COMPLETE INFORMATION,photos,contact ... over 100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- Ability to download it in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithin the city. Using GETTING option, you can always findtheplace you are looking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experience onmajorsocial networks!- Be Your Guide Córdoba is available in 6 LANGUAGES,Spanish,Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOURGUIDECORDOBA!- We will welcome your suggestionsincordoba@beyourguide.esContinued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life
Be Your Guide - Segovia 1.20
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the most complete SEGOVIA forFREE.Here you will find updated information on museums andmonuments,LODGING, Nightlife, Shopping, dining and entertainmentinformation.Discover the most complete information, pictures,contact ... over100 points of interest!- Ability to download it OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithin the city. GETTING using the option, you can alwaysfind theplace you're looking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE and share your experiencesonmajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Segovia is available in 6 languages,Spanish,English, French, German, Italian and Russian.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, iPad andiPadMini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with SEGOVIABEYOUR GUIDE!- We are happy to receive
Be Your Guide - Toledo 1.17
Nexora Solutions S.L.
- Enjoy the full GUIDE TOLEDO for FREE. Inityou will find updated information about MONUMENTS,HOTELS,RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING and NIGHTLIFE. Discover MORECOMPLETE,photos, contact ... more than 100 POINTS OF INTEREST!- In order not to miss any detail of this magical city, youcandownload various AUDIO GUIDES with day and night routes inSpanishand English and developed by tourism GUIDES!Audio-guide Download the TOLEDO TO YOUR AIR to discover thecityat your own pace while listening to the explanation of themainpoints of interest guiding you with integrated MAP.- Possibility to download in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the 100% OFFLINE MAP: Using GPS can guide youinthe city. Using the DIRECTIONS option, you can always findtheplace for you, monuments, restaurants and magical places!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experiences inthemajor social networks!- Be Your Guide Toledo is available in 6 LANGUAGES,Spanish,English, Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOURGUIDETOLEDO!- We look forward to your
Be Your Guide - Marbella 1.18
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Travel Guide about Marbella that will take you to the best places
GastrOleum 2.0.8
Nexora Solutions S.L.
A new way to know and understand the extra virgin olive oil ....
Be Your Guide - Málaga 1.17
Nexora Solutions S.L.
Complete Marbella tourist guide that will take you to the bestplaces